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湖北工程学院2022-2023学年度 语言外教招聘简章

资料来源:   作者:  摄影:  审核人:  发布日期:2022-04-06 10:09  浏览量:




湖北工程学院是湖北省人民政府举办的全日制普通本科院校,位于武汉城市圈副中心城市、中华孝文化名城、国家现代农业示范区、中国优秀旅游城市、国家园林城市、全国科技进步先进城市——孝感市, 距武汉市区50公里,乘孝汉城铁至武汉天河国际机场18分钟,交通便利,区位优势明显。



学校开办有18个教学学院,举办1所独立学院,涉及工学、农学、理学、文学、经济学、管理学、法学、艺术学、教育学等10大学科门类,67个本科专业。其中,国家综合改革试点专业1个,全国高等学校特色专业3个, “国家卓越人才培养计划” 专业2个,省级本科品牌专业4个,省级综合改革试点专业6个,省级战略性新兴(支柱)产业人才培养计划专业6个,“荆楚卓越人才”协同育人专业6个。





1. 母语或第一语言为英语或法语,一般不超过60周岁;

2. 本科及以上学历;

3. 120小时及以上TEFL / TESOL / CELTA或相关资格证书;

4. 2年及以上教学工作经历优先;




1. 薪酬:9000元/月,超课时120元/课时,免费购买医疗保险,免费办理工作签证,提供机票补贴定额补助1万元。(合同期内一年一次)

2. 住房:聘任期间免费提供住房一套,设施齐全。


 1.联系电话: 李老师:  0712-2345659                            

2. 联系邮箱:714798966@qq.com                     

Recruitment Guide of English foreign teachers for the academic year


in Hubei Engineering University

  I. A Brief Introduction to Hubei Engineering University

Hubei Engineering University (HBEU), a provincial regular multi-disciplinary comprehensive university, was established upon the approval by the Ministry of Education. It is located in the downtown of Xiaogan City, a sub-central city of Wuhan, the National Modern Agricultural Demonstration Zone, the National Demonstration Base of Combination of Military and Civilian Industrialization and the Xiaogan National High-tech Zone-Xiaogan City. It’s only 50 kilometers away from downtown Wuhan. It takes only 18 minutes to the airport by inter-city high speed train. The transportation is convenient and the location advantage is obvious.

The school was founded as Third Provincial Teacher-Training School in 1943. After merging with Xiaogan Branch of Huazhong Agricultural College and Southern Urban-Rural Construction School, it was renamed as Hubei Engineering University in December 2011.Therefore, the university has a history of 79 years so far.

At present, HBEU covers an area of 116.53hectares, with campus floor area of 0.727 million square meters. The teaching and research equipment are valued at 198 million RMB, with the collection of books of 2.52 million volumes. More than 20,000 students are registered. Currently, there are 817 full-time teachers, including 685 with postgraduate degrees and 353 with senior professional titles. There are 13 innovation teams and 9 teaching teams at the provincial and ministerial level, 14 “Chutian scholars” and 26 national and provincial honorary experts. More than 100 famous experts and scholars are invited as part-time (guest, honorary) professors. "Chinese filial piety culture research" in Journal of Hubei Engineering University is a famous column recognized by the Ministry of Education.

The university has 18 teaching colleges and an independent college, covering 10 disciplines such as engineering, agronomy, science, literature, economics, management, law, art and education, and 67 undergraduate majors, among which, 1 national comprehensive reform pilot specialty, 3 national specialties of higher education, 2 "national outstanding talent cultivation plan" specialties, 4 provincial undergraduate brand specialties, 6 provincial comprehensive reform pilot specialties, 6 provincial “strategic emerging pillar industry talent training plan” specialties, 6 “Jingchu outstanding talent” collaborative education specialties.

II. Recruitment Posts

  Duration: academic year 2022-2023(2 semesters)

  Number of employees: 1 English teacher、1 French teacher

 III. Qualifications and Requirements

1. Native speakers of English or French, age under 60;

2. Bachelors degree or above;

3. TEFL / TESOL / CELTA and other teaching qualification certificates preferred;

4. 2 years or above teaching experience preferred;

IV. Position responsibilities

The teaching starting date is September 2022.

Teach speaking and writing courses for undergraduate programs, 12 hours (16 periods) per week.

 V. Salary and Benefits

1. Salary: 9000CNY per month, free medical insurance, free work visa, rfree apartment, 10k CNY Flight allowance for one year contract.The overtime payment which is RMB 120 yuan per period.

2. Accommodation: free apartment

VI. Contact:

Tel: Nina :0712-2345659

Email: 714798966@qq.com



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